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GoodSearch: You Search...We Give!

Planning Today; Building Tomorrow
In 1994 Living Hope Ministries received its Non-Profit status as outlined in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code section 501(c) (3). As a non-profit organization there are a number of ways which individuals, corporations, foundations and churches can support Living Hope Ministries. The most common means of support we receive comes in the form of a check. The following list contains additional ways you may choose to assist Living Hope Ministries and its vision to reach Northeast Minneapolis.
Monthly, or quarterly gifts
Many people want to participate in a non-profit organization like Living Hope Ministries and choose to do so through monthly or quarterly support. Consistent monthly or quarterly giving is of great importance in seeing the day to day operations take place. These gifts can be designated for special projects as they are identified, or remain undesignated and will be applied toward the area of greatest need.
Life Insurance
You may choose to identify Living Hope Ministries as the beneficiary of all or part of a life insurance policy. You may choose to name Living Hope Ministries as the alternate or final beneficiary. A policy initially intended to protect a spouse, child or mortgage payment completion may no longer be needed. If this is your situation, consider how you might use this means to assist Living Hope Ministries in reaching Northeast Minneapolis.
Appreciated stocks
These may be deducted at full market value. You will save on capital gains tax as you provide a contribution to Living Hope Ministries. Stocks must be transferred to Living Hope Ministries before it is sold to receive a tax benefit (see table below).
"Cost" to Make a Gift:
  Sell stock &
gift Proceeds
Gift Stock
Value of Asset $10,000 $10,000
Original purchase price - $2,500 - $2,500
Amount of appreciation $7,500 $7,500
Capital Gain Tax - $1,950 N/A
Proceeds to Ministry
(Asset minus tax)
$8,050 $10,000
Income Tax savings
(45% Fed & State*)
$3,622 $4,500
Capital Gain Tax Avoided
(26% Fed & State*)
+ $0 + $1,950
Total Tax savings $3,622 $6,450
"Cost" of Gift to You
(Asset minus total tax)
$6,378 $3,550
* This example assumes an 18-month holding period and a 6% state income tax rate; however, tax rates vary from state.

Retirement programs
Perhaps your children no longer need the income as the beneficiary of your retirement program(s). By gifting all or a portion of your retirement program(s) to a charitable organization such as Living Hope Ministries, generally the full value is disbursed to that organization. The assistance this provides is significant and the amount received will be fully deductible from your estate.
Memorial, Special gift or Honor
This allows you to recognize an individual or a significant event. These gifts are for those individuals who want to make special recognition on behalf of another individual. Upon receiving your contribution, we will inform the individual about the gift made on their behalf. Please include the name and address of the individual to be notified.
In-kind donation
Gifts other than financial are needed. They might include furniture, office supplies, computers, books (children and adult), and clothing. Some will be used for the day-to-day operations, while others will be used to assist families we are working with. Receipts will be provided upon request.
There are a growing number of organizations that participate by matching all or part of their employees? gifts to charitable organizations. This is a fantastic way to double the amount donated to Living Hope Ministries. Inquire with your employer, about utilizing this program.
If you are having your initial will put together, or are revising an old will, you might want to add Living Hope Ministries as a beneficiary of your estate. In your will you may also specify a dollar amount or percentage of your estate to be disbursed to Living Hope Ministries.
Life-Income gifts
Planned gifts, such as annuities or charitable remainder trusts offer a double benefit to Living Hope Ministries and to you. You are able to make a gift now, obtain tax benefits for this current year and receive income for the rest of your life or the lives of your designated income beneficiaries.
For more information on any of these programs,
please call Steve Moen at
612.789.2244 (office) or 612.501.8982 (cell)

1737 Adams St NE - Minneapolis, MN - 55413 - 612.789.2244 - fax 612.781.4191
Copyright © 2025 Living Hope Ministries - All rights reserved.